- access rights
- права доступа, см. тж access permissions
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming. 2013.
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming. 2013.
Access rights — can refer to: *Access to Information Act, a Canadian act that allows public access to government information *Disability rights movement, disabled access to public and private locations is a key issue *Access control, the ability to permit or… … Wikipedia
Access Rights — [dt. Zugriffsrechte], Zugriffsberechtigung … Universal-Lexikon
access rights — prieigos teisė statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Teisė naudotis tam tikros sistemos, dažniausiai nuotolinės, ištekliais. Paprastai suteikia sistemos administratorius. Patikrinama reikalaujant slaptažodžio iš asmens, besikreipiančio į… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
access rights — See rights … Dictionary of networking
Access control — is the ability to permit or deny the use of a particular resource by a particular entity. Access control mechanisms can be used in managing physical resources (such as a movie theater, to which only ticketholders should be admitted), logical… … Wikipedia
Access control list — In computer security, an access control list (ACL) is a list of permissions attached to an object. The list specifies who or what is allowed to access the object and what operations are allowed to be performed on the object. In a typical ACL,… … Wikipedia
access control entry — Abbreviated ACE. The basic unit of security in Microsoft Windows 2000 that controls access to the file system, to Active Directory objects, to printers and other network resources, and to the Registry. An ACE consists of a security identifier… … Dictionary of networking
access right — prieigos teisė statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Teisė naudotis tam tikros sistemos, dažniausiai nuotolinės, ištekliais. Paprastai suteikia sistemos administratorius. Patikrinama reikalaujant slaptažodžio iš asmens, besikreipiančio į… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
access right — the authorisation given to a user, e.g. a vessel owner, by a fishery management authority or by legislation, to exploit a resource, a particular species, or a share of a total allowable catch. Access rights may be free of charge or require… … Dictionary of ichthyology
Access Control Matrix — or Access Matrix is an abstract, formal computer protection and security model used in computer systems, that characterizes the rights of each subject with respect to every object in the system. It was first introduced by Butler W. Lampson in… … Wikipedia
access — ac·cess / ak ˌses/ n often attrib 1: permission, liberty, or ability to enter, approach, communicate with, or pass to and from a place, thing, or person public access to federal land access to the courts 2: opportunity for sexual intercourse 3: a … Law dictionary